Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

Queen Seon Deok Behind The Scene 6

Behind the scenes from episode 34 and some gallery of Kim Nam Gil :)

Yu Shin : be serious..please..
Bi Dam : I just can't..

Bi Dam : ok, I'm trying

Yu shin : just can't..

Deok Man : well actually...Yu shin loves Bi Dam...

Bi dam : really...?

Deok Man : stop it guys..all of u are mine !

Kim Nam Gil dalam Daejong International Film Festival Awards ke-46 di Olympic Park di Songpa-gu November 6, 2009

he looked cool..

quite friendly and fun..

hi guys..thank you..

Yu Shin and Bi Dam wait for the Princess

Bi Dam : where is the Princess...
Yu shin : just wait..

Finally, she's arrives

Bi Dam : Princess..what took u so long..?
Deok Man : sorry..sorry
Yu shin : hmm

Bi dam : hey..what's that ?
Deok Man : what..?

Bi Dam : eat something ! spit it out..
Deok Man : oh come on..

Bi Dam : I told u, you can not eat, you ruined your make up...

Deok Man ; yeah..right..
Yu shin : just ignore me..pretend I'm not here..oh..

Bi Dam : see..?
Yu Shin : can we start it now..?


neah..just can't...

Thank you for watching Seon Deok ...!!!

KNG : I just love being on this drama
credit : youtube

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